Over the holidays we traveled to the Midwest to see my grandparents and then because of bad weather and full flights, we ended up being routed through Atlanta on the way home instead of Cincinnati. Flights were rough from there too, so Jonathan ended up going home and I stayed with the kids in Atlanta then we met up again a week later at Eric and Jennifer's house in North Carolina. Then we all drove home together. Poor Caleb got sick on the trip and we had to get him some antibiotics, and he still isn't quite himself but we're trying to get him back to a normal routine and hopefully that will work wonders for him. He's a trooper though. So is Esther...she did very well with all the travel. Here are some pictures from our trip.
Esther with her Great Grandpa and Grandma Weeldreyer

Caleb sledding with Daddy and Great Grandpa Waugh

Caleb kissed Toby right on the nose when we were visiting his Great Grandpa and Grandma Lowe

Here is Esther with her Great Grandpa and Grandma Lowe

Caleb is attempting to play with his cousin Kathryn... looks like she doesn't want his company too badly

On the other hand, Kathryn really seems to like Esther... they're already plotting how to make Caleb take the blame for everything

Here's Grandma Waugh with the girls

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