First things first, we started Esther on solid foods. She did okay with the rice cereal, but she has been chowing down on the newer stuff. So far, she LOVES squash, bananas, and green beans.
Here is her first time with the rice cereal. Listen to Caleb in the background saying "oatmeal" over and over. We told him that was what the rice cereal was like. Watch the video to the end and then look at the picture below it.
Caleb really wanted to taste some of Esther's "oatmeal."

Cute but messy.
Jonathan's grandmother made this dress.
It's gigantic on her right now, but hilariously cute.
Just chillin'

Blackjack decided to join them

Esther petting Blackjack.
Caleb trying out the new glider my parents got us
for our anniversary. Yes, he has chocolate on his face.
We were sharing a fudgesicle just prior to this.

Also, I took Esther to her 6 month appointment and she is still on the 75th percentile curve for height, but had dropped to 50th for weight. (Caleb did the same thing--tall and skinny.) She is 26.5 inches and 16 lbs. I think now that she is eating solid foods twice a day, she is really chunking up quickly though. Anyway, she got her 6 immunizations and she's fine and doing well. I took her to Sears for pictures too. They turned out really cute. I'll try to get around to posting a few one day soon. If I have time...